Livres en anglais sur la danse folklorique


European Contexts of the Folk Culture

By: Rastislava Stolicna and team of authors.
Published by Veda, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava 1997 as its 3198 publication.
ISBN 80-224-0502-7

Source : Slovak Easter Traditions
This is a hard cover book size 8 1/2" by 11 3/8".
The topics include: Traditional agrarian culture, Handicrafts and home products, Folk trade, Food and eating, Clothes and footwear, Settlements and dwelling places, Community of village and family, Calendar customs, Family customs, Folk theatre, Folk art, Folk narrative, Folk songs, Folk dance and Folk music. Together 365 pages, 185 color, 92 black and white pictures and several maps. This book is written in ENGLISH.

It contains :
TRADITIONAL AGRARIAN CULTURE : all about farming, Vegetable growing, Fruit growing, Wine making, Livestock production.
HANDICRAFTS AND HOME - PRODUCE : From the History of Crafts in Slovakia, Crafts in Slovakia and their importance in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region, Handicraft Production in Slovakia after the Abolition of the Guilds, Wandering Journeymen: Bonds of Slovak Handicraft Production Contacts with Countries of Central Europe, Home-Produce in Slovakia, Its Main Branches.
FOLK TRADE : Trading Abroad, Markets.
FOOD and EATING : VEGETABLE FOOD, Cereal Meals, Vegetable Meals, Fruit Meals, Vegetable Oils, ANIMAL FOOD-Milk Meals, Meat and Entrails, Meat Products, Egg Meals, Animal Fats, DRINKS-Soft Drinks, Spirits, EATING ORDER, WAYS OF EATING, OCCASIONS OF FEASTS, EUROPEAN CORRELATION'S.
CLOTHES and FOOTWEAR : Types of Men's Clothing, Types of Women's Clothing, Hairdressing and Head Arrangement, Types of Footwear, Traditional Clothing and the Problem of Ethnicity.
SETTLEMENTS and DWELLING PLACE : Settlements, Habitation, Building Material, Techniques and Structure, Room Structure, Living, Furniture, Courtyard and Out Buildings, Regionalization and the Circumstances of its Origin.
COMMUNITY of VILLAGE and FAMILY : Village Community, Village self-government, Territorial and Economic Organization, Stratification of Village Society, Family, Organization of Family, Family Property, Relatives, Godparents.
CALENDAR CUSTOMS-WINTER PERIOD : The Advent, Shrovetide, SPRING and SUMMER TIME-Easter, Maje-Maypoles, Whitsuntide, Midsummer Night's Fires, Harvest Festival, All Saint's Day and Halloween,
FAMILY CUSTOMS-BIRTH : Conception, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Childbed, Reception Ceremonies, WEDDING-Pre-wedding Period, Marriage, After Wedding Period, DEATH.
FOLK THEATRE : Ceremonial Plays, Acts of Masked Creatures, Shrovetide Plays, Wedding Plays, Christmas Plays, Bethlehem (Nativity) Plays, Twelfth Night Plays, Walking-around with a Star, Walking with a Cradle, Plays about Heroes, The Martyr Play of Saint Dorothea, The Folk Puppet Theatre Acting and Amateur Theatre.
FOLK ART : Development Tendencies, Regionalism, The Role of Handicrafts, Geographic Factors, Social-Professional Conditions, Influence of Religion, Style Influences, Specific Features.
FOLK NARRATIVE : Cultural-Historical and Social Context of Folk Narratives in Slovakia, Study of Oral Tradition, Narrative repertoire-Tales-Animal Tales-Magic Tales-Religious Tales-Realistic Tales-Anecdotes and Jokes-Legends-Local Legends-Historical Legends-Demonological Legends (Superstition Legends)-Life Stories-Slovak Oral Narrative Tradition within the European Context.
FOLK SONGS : Vitality of Folk Songs and their Changes, Musically-Style Signs of Slovak Songs, Song Geners, Regional Dividing of the Song Tradition.
FOLK MUSIC : Traditional European Music, Stratigraphy of Musical Styles and Genres, Slovakia and the Central European Tradition, Slovak Moravian-Czech Relations, Slovak-Polish Relations, Slovak-Russian-Ukrainian Relations, Slovak-Hungarian Relations.